Saturday, December 8, 2007

Douche Bags and the Canadian Winter

I didn't manage to get any pictures of this, but i hope my description can help you see what I saw.

I've noticed that douche bags tend to dress in a similar manner in the winter, with one or two variation.

First, they should wear a light wool top coat, which is usually (maybe always unbuttoned).

Second, they should be wearing a black shirt -- which might have stripes. It should be untucked.

Third, the top two buttons on the shirt should be unbuttoned. I've noticed that unlike my shirts, which might flop a little around the collar if they aren't buttoned up enough, a douche bag's shirt will look more spread. Think of a taking a fresh link of sausage and slicing it knife. You get that kind of effect. The other thing that you see -- and this is the great part about winter -- is that the bare chest that's exposed by the unbuttoned shirt turns really red. I get this on my hand in winter, its almost like a wind burn.

Fourth, there is the footwear. Obviously, there should be some Aladdin-style footwear that comes to a point. But as I kind of thinking that maybe its not Aladdin that the inspiration. Perhaps, its Santa's elves, who have to a lot of work in snow and have pointy shoes as well.
Maybe some of them got a day pass to go clubbing and didn't go back. Or maybe they're like cross country skis, so they cut through the snow and ice.

Anyway, keep an eye out for them.
They're everywhere.

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