Saturday, November 1, 2008

Real Estate Signs: A New Media Outlet

The street side garbage/recycling receptacles is a major outlet for real estate agents to advertise. But lately I've been noticing that some agents have been going upmarket. I guess its too degrading to have your image and slogan just below a garbage receptacle and get garbage and stuff seeping down on your brand.

The bus shelter sign is the new garbage can sign.

Check this one out.

"A new standard of excellence", as opposed to the old standard of excellence? Why not "Excellence in excellence!"?

This guy even has a little ad campaign going.

He's got a strategy that he's selling you. He has 74 options to choice from to help you.
First, he tells you his method 12.

Then he's got his method 31.

What I don't get is if he actually buys ads for all his methods? Probably not, because then he would just be giving away his secret to other real estate agents who would track down his signs or read this blog.

But I'm going to keep an eye for more ads from him to see if he reveals his secrets.

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