I found this website its really really quite interesting. The guy who runs it posts pictures of hot chicks with douche bags and if that wasn't enough he also provides commentary.
I was really blown away by the top picture -- the carrot like look of their faces, but it wasn't even one of the guys award winners.
The guy marks his award winners with these little trophies in the corner -- i've got a couple down here.
This one was an award winner. Look at the plunging neck line on the blond guy. Both of them seem to have a lot of sweat on their chests, but the girls look relatively dry. I guess they spray water on themselves.
This guy didn't win an award, although its hard to believe given the leopard skin cutoff outfit he's wearing. You can just imagine the intensity of the competition.
Like this guy. Look at the batman theme he's got going. He's got the belt buckle along with the tattoo of the bat signal on his chest. This is truly the next level.
He closed out 2007 with a series of awards. This is definitely worth a look.
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