This is actually from last year, but its still relevant.
Its for their Holiday party. They have a bit of a winter theme going, with the ice and the christmas tree decorations.
They call event naughty or nice and they ask you which category you would fit into.
Here's the image that suggests you're nice. Lots of exposed skin, but not in an overly obvious way. She still has a relatively wholesome image.
But if your naughty, you get a get a fur trimmed string bikini. Look at how she's smiling. She's ready to party.
I like how they put the pictures of the girls in the ornaments. It kind of reminds me of those cartoons where you get the angel on one should and a demon on the other. And the devil is like urging you to be evil, but the angel is trying to get you to be good.
Of course the designer of the ad covered all his bases. So just in case you don't believe that you'll get some super hot girls you can still get really cheap beer. Six dollars for a pitcher is a real bargain, although you'll probably feel really bad the next morning.
The guy who put this ad together did a really good job. He, or she, should be teaching advertising.
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