This real estate ad caught my eye.
That's Brad J. Lamb.
This is his team.
They used to have a reality show -- Big City Agent -- on what they did (and didn't do) in a day. Pretty high drama -- deals not getting closed, agents fighting with each other for stuff that is probably really insignificant.
I only saw a few episodes; I lost track of it after that.
He had this thing where he featured some of this agents and gave some of the background. I guess the show was supposed to be a giant ad for his brokerage and development business. That's kind of ironic because you would think that if someone was making millions from developing condo projects that they wouldn't have to advertise on a garbage can on a street corner. Maybe the condo business isn't as good as everyone thinks?
They had some really interesting poses. Check out the guy on the right, the way he's side ways but looking at the camera -- that looks really cooolll!!!. The guy in between mr. cool and the women is like going for the more casual guy next door look.
The guy with the red tie really standouts in the whole ad. Not only is he the only one wearing a tie, he also pulls off a more serious look because he looks more like a banker (like in the branch, not investment banking) than his colleagues. Everyone else while in a suit has basically got their shirt unbuttoned up top. Oh and he also has the cell phone pose, i think he thought of that hisself.
The woman on the far right, they featured her on one of the shows. She started out as a receptionist and worked her way up the ladder. She's in a relationship with this white guy who made her move out to Burlington and she's kind of stressed out because its a real hassle to chill with her girls because its a long commute. Guido next to her is a less sympathetic figure. Apparently, he was a bartender and Mr. Lamb had one of his drinks and decided that he would be a good real estate agent. I don't see the logic in that. It is kind of scary though.
The guy standing next to the one in the orange is supposed to be their top seller. He was a bit of a prima donna -- in more than the usual sense of the word sailor (pronounced with a lisp).
The second guy from the right was also having a bit of a complex on the show. He wanted to resell agent (where the money is better) and not be trapped in the showroom, where things can get pretty shitty. He actually got pulled from a showroom because of some sort of conflict with the developer of the project. I felt really sorry for the guy. He looked so hurt.
But really caught my attention after looking at this ad is the footwear. Your going to need the high resolution versions of the pictures so just click on them to see what i mean.
Look at the arc on the toe of the guy on the outside's shoes. I mean I can kind of seem him going home to his pad, with like cushions, carpets and a lamp -- a place with a real morrocan or middle eastern vibe. Maybe he changes out of his suit into some sort of vest and a baggy pant outfit. At the other extreme, the guy next to him has this super squared toed shoes -- probably kenneth cole -- that sort of look like duck feet.
If we look at the guy standing next to the woman in brown, we again see the aladdin style arc. However, in this case the shoes don't come to a point they are slighty squared off. The guy at the edge has a similar shoe, but no arc -- although it is slightly elongated. I never new that there were so many variations on such basic thing as an aladdin style show.
Its hard to sometimes get a sense of the sort of point we're talking about, but here we can line up a women shoes (at the far-left and one-from the right) with men's shoes and get a comparison.
The men's shoes are not necessarily aladdin version with the point, but they are quite pointy and elongated like a pointy woman's high heel. If you just had the tip of the shoe, it would be hard to tell whether we're talking about a man's or a woman's shoe.
Here again we can see the duck-bill shoe at the end and the flatter aladin style next to the woman.
So it looks like the agents in this brokerage tend to go for pointy shoes for the most part, but they also have some tastes for the aladdin style curl. This might be because they're into selling condos and lofts and they have to look more contemporary than an agent that deals with houses , where you might feel more comfortable with a squarer toe shoed agent.
But the thing I really want to know is whether Brad J. Lamb is rocking the aladdin style shoes?
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